Numbers this page still out. Shorty's Sooty Oystercatcher should be 432 whatever bird it becomes; Ricks' Eastern Rosella should be 433; 434 Pied IP is correct; Common Starling by Dale should be 435. First Oystercatcher is #48.
Impressive Tim and quite right. One Brolga flying uppermost at back of flock and a juvenile Sarus Crane leading. The amount of red on the neck is the best indicator as Sarus & Brolga very similar. Of course, that other crane is quite a rarity as I have not seen one yet.
#452 Yellow White-eye (last from me tonight as i will turn off the laptop!)
Sorry Peter, Olive-backed Oriole done - now a Christmas White-eye. Do you have a Yellow Oriole - same as Green Oriole I have put up, Swift Parrot or Long-billed Corella or even a Port Lincoln Ringneck?
Royal Highness, not a bad old bird but rarly comes to OZ. So i guess a vagrant :)
Shorty......Canon gear
Hi all, Numbers muddled. Think the other was a Kori Bustard from overseas but happy to be corrected.
I don't think we have Australian Hobby?? If incorrect I can delete this one.
Photo deleted. And I thought I'd gone through every page...
I am pretty sure that both Brolga and Hobby have been posted
All of the Australian Raptors are done, including Hobby.
Shorty......Canon gear
Sorry we have already a Brolga and the Hobby. No Sarus Crane though
Brolga sorted :)
Shorty......Canon gear
Sorry Sooty Oystercatcher done and should be number 432. Still no Sarus Crane
What post? i was sure only Pied done? But i have been wrong before :)
Shorty......Canon gear
#433 Eastern Rosella
#434 Pied Imperial-pigeon just to keep numbers going.
435 Common Starling, fledgling
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
48. Sooty Oyster catcher By Reflex. Shorty if you just delete your sooty, as the numbers will be out if you just change the photo.
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
Numbers this page still out. Shorty's Sooty Oystercatcher should be 432 whatever bird it becomes; Ricks' Eastern Rosella should be 433; 434 Pied IP is correct; Common Starling by Dale should be 435. First Oystercatcher is #48.
#436 Common Greenfinch
#437 Crimson Rosella - ssp flaveolus body { font-family:'Arial';font-size:10pt;background-color:#ffffff;color:#000000;}
#438 (captive)
Shorty......Canon gear
Tegan - Melbourne Vic.
#440 (captive)
Shorty......Canon gear
#441 Green Pygmy-goose
442. King Penguin, captive bird.
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
#443 Zebra Finch
I don't have a Sarus Crane, but i have a Dubious Crane :))))
Shorty......Canon gear
#444 Wilson Storm Petrel
Very dubious :-) :-)
#445 White Throated Needletail
#446 Grey-crowned Babbler. Interesting Crane.
#447 Chestnut Crowned Babbler
(couldn't resist :-) )
#448 Australia King Parrot
#449 Sarus Cranes
Interesting differences between the cranes! :)
#450 Rat with Wings (Feral Pigeon)
if this was a workplace that could be deemed to be bullying and harassment but its not a workplace so you probably isn't ;-))
#451 Halls Babbler
Impressive Tim and quite right. One Brolga flying uppermost at back of flock and a juvenile Sarus Crane leading. The amount of red on the neck is the best indicator as Sarus & Brolga very similar. Of course, that other crane is quite a rarity as I have not seen one yet.
#452 Yellow White-eye (last from me tonight as i will turn off the laptop!)
#453 Green Oriole (on 2nd effort)
# nill - which woodswallows are still required - whatever ones are they are most likely in this flock
Pretty sure we have had a White-Browed Babbler
#454 Common House Sparrow
Yep White Browed Babler already done pg5 #208
#455 Christmas White-eye
Morning all :-)
#456 Australian Raven
Sorry Peter, Olive-backed Oriole done. Do you have a Yellow Oriole, Swift Parrot or Long-billed Corella or even a Port Lincoln Ringneck?
#457 Spotless Crake
Morning Rick
#458 Long-Billed Corella
Morning all, hope the extra hour's sleep refreshed you. Sue
#459 Common Bronzewing
#460 Common Sandpiper
#461 White-winged Fairywren
#462 _Slender-billed Whte-eye
just mowed the lawn and been to the dump here in SEQ, have to start the drive back to Bundaberg in an hour or so
#463 Spiny Cheeked Honeyeater
#464 Mangrove Robin