Looking for more help with raptors (yet again). All seen around Hunter Wetlands Newcastle NSW.
Raptor 1 - only distant views, not sure what it is but its got a great tail
Raptor 2 - very possibly the same as Raptor 1, seen about an hour later at nearlby location
Raptor 3 - only got shots from this angle, at the time i thought it was a Whistling Kite, but doesnt look quite right for a WK
Thanks for any help.
I think 1 and 2 are Black Kites and 3 is a juvenile White-bellied Sea Eagle.
Thanks Tim and zosterops - black kite is a new one for me!
I have been having a good run recently with "raptors", but might be getting the end of the ones Im likely to see around sydney.
not sure black kites are common in sydney, i'd have thought they were a more inland bird.
yes ... im getting into the less common visitors now