Black Cockatoos in the heart of Melbourne?

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Dmenace's picture
Black Cockatoos in the heart of Melbourne?

Hi All.

My daughter made an interesting observation on her way home from work tonight that I want to share, because I have no idea.

Black Cockatoos in the trees on the natural strip that runs down the centre of Victoria Parade, where it intersects with Wellington Street in Collingwood, on the edge of the CBD.

I asked for more details and she described them as 'black with white beaks and white under their tail. Little black cockatoo mohawk', and very noisy.  And that they were smaller than the Sulphur-crested White Cockatooss that are common around Melbourne.

I also assume that whatever bird they were, they were roosting there for the night in city, because it was after 5 and the Whites that roost out front of my place in the burbs were already gathering.

I was hoping one of you more knowledgeable people, any Melburians, may have some insights.


zosterops's picture

Definitely Yellow-tailed Black-cockatoos. quite common this time of year. 

Dmenace's picture

Don't they have a yellow patch on the side of their neck?

I asked my daughter about that and she said 'no'.  But it was a fleeting sighting from the tram.


zosterops's picture

there's really no other possibility 

Dmenace's picture

I agree from the research I've done.  Good to see them in the heart of city.

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