Australasian Darter

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HelloBirdy's picture
Australasian Darter

I don't get around to posting many photos, but here's one. This is one of my favourite Darter pics from the start of the year, just after a few days with my new camera, a Nikon P610. It won the Youth Fauna catergory of the Wetland in Focus photography prize.

Taken at Jerrabomberra Wetlands in Canberra. I don't do anything in photoshop or lightroom, etc.

teganb02's picture

That's an awesome photo, what was the prize?

Tegan - Melbourne Vic.


Congratulations on your winning photo HelloBirdy - its a great shot. Good work with the new camera. 

Reflex's picture

Congratulations HelloBirdy! Not an easy bird to get close to.

Jerrabomberra Wetlands in Canberra sounds familiar. You didn't bump into Shorty whilst you were there by any chance.

Samford Valley Qld.

Woko's picture

Congratulations, HelloBirdy. Great that wetlands are receiving some recognition.  

Devster's picture

Well done Birdy. Looks like she's eying you off and ready to take flight. Like Reflex said. Not an easy bird to get close to.

Amson's picture

What a great photo. I'll have to check these wetlands out when next in Canberra. Congratulations!!

laza's picture

What a great shot

The underneath webbing of the beak is especially interesting for me

Dont take life too seriously, it never ends well

akasha's picture

Nice work and congrats on the prize :)

HelloBirdy's picture

Thanks all for the kind comments!

Reflex- I have seen Shorty around, but no idea if I saw him that day

Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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