Boat Harbour, NSW

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timrp's picture
Boat Harbour, NSW

I went to Boat Harbour yesterday and saw some great birds.

I got some Flight shots of a Crested Tern:

I got some shots of Double-banded Plovers, they let me get pretty close.

I saw 2 Pacific Golden Plovers, they didn't let me get too close so I have to be content with this shot until I can get a better one.

I saw 2 of what I think are White-fronted Terns (juveniles) but I am not sure, they might be Common Terns? Does anyone know?

I had to take a shot of a Silver Gull when it landed right in front of me asking to get a shot taken of it.

Then a Juvenile Kelp Gull came and I managed some flight shots of it.

And finally I got close enough to get a decent shot of a Ruddy Turnstone, a new bird for me!

To finish off I saw some whales and there were some gannets flying around. I missed out on the Reef Egret that lives there but I got 2 new birds (Ruddy Turnstone and whatever that Tern is) so I am happy.

Reflex's picture

Some great shots there Tim. Not sure about the Tern but I'm leaning towards an immature White-fronted Tern just because of the barring on the wing coverts. Right time of year for them as well.

Samford Valley Qld.

timrp's picture

Thanks, yeah it is a White-fronted Tern, I just had it identified on Flickr, thanks for your help anyway.

Devster's picture

Fantastic series of shots Tim. I love the little Double Banded Plovers. All bar the Silver Gull, Crested Tern & Pacific Golden Plover would be new birds for me. 

Where on Flickr do you get your identifications done?

dwatsonbb's picture

Great work Tim, number 2 is my favourite, but they are all good. thanks

Dale Huonville, Tasmania

timrp's picture

Devster wrote:

Where on Flickr do you get your identifications done?

Thanks Devster and Dale.

Devster I just asked in the description of the photo I posted on Flickt and then one of my followers confirmed that it was a White-fronted Tern.

HelloBirdy's picture

Awesome range of birds and shots, Tim. All but the Silver Gull would be new for me!

Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera

robwill's picture

Great shots Tim...


laza's picture

Cracking shots Tim, i have to say that 2nd Tern shot also my favourite

Dont take life too seriously, it never ends well


Very nice photos tim, its certainly a great spot ... I also saw those other terns there which i assumed to be WF terns.

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