I saw a bird today at the Lane Cove National Park in Sydney, that could be a New Holland Honeyeater perhaps, the side patch was not yellow, it was an orangey red, with a white patch on its face, and i don't have any other details, it did seem a bit smaller.
does anyone have any other ideas? Thanks!
Oh and another query - i saw a fantail bird, and the ones that i checked in the birdfinder, describe a constantly fanned tail, whereas the one i saw was periodically fanning its tail.
First one might be a eastern spinebill for the colours - not really similar to a NH Honeyeater though, but that depends on the light and how good a look you got at it.
Very similar to NH Honeyeater is the White Cheeked HE which would be found in Lane Cove NP too - but does not have orangey red colours.
The fantail is most likely a Grey Fantail, they definitely don't have a constantly fanned tail, that is wrong.
Thanks to you WhistlingDuck and Tim.
I checked out the Eastern Spinebill but it had a lot more colour than the bird I saw which was just a side patch. It may have had a white eyebrow as well, but can't be sure.
I will have to go back when i get my binoculars. I couldn't get close enough for my camera to capture these small birds.
Yes, I think it was Grey Fantail.