white browed scrub wren?

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oconnore51's picture
white browed scrub wren?

Are there any other very small birds that have a white eyebrow?  I saw a tiny bird today that I think was this one, but not sure. It had a small yellow patch on its side, which has confused me a bit.  Sorry details are a bit patchy.  It was light creamy white underneath and a bit of yellow torward the back.

sue818's picture

Hi Elizabeth,

I always think that a White-browed Scrubwren looks a trifle angry with a white eyebrow and another white line below the eye. Attached is a picture for comparison. The yellow does not sound right so I wonder if you saw a Yellow-rumped Thornbill or even a Straited Pardalote (although the yellow spot form would be unusual). You did not mention head colour or where you made the sighting.

There may be other possibilities but Ii cannot think of any at present. Pull up a few photographs and compare. Hope this helps


Devster's picture

Could be a Yelllow-Throated Scrubwren.

You can't see from this pic but the front of the brow is usually white.

I know I used to get them mixed up all the time.

oconnore51's picture

Thank you Sue, it was such a little and flighty bird it was hard to get a great look, but yes i had thought of a Yellow-Rumped Thornbill. 

Thanks Devster, and thanks both of you for the photos. In general it seemed a bit lighter in colour than the Yellow Throated Scrubwren.  I have some binoculars now so maybe will get a better look next time. 


sue818's picture

Where were you when you saw this little bird? White-browed SW are very common around Sydney but I personally think that the Yellow-throated SW are much harder to find. I have only seen them at Mt Tomah and up the coast but think that you are on Sydney's North Shore.


oconnore51's picture

Yes, this was at the Lane Cove National park, which is north, and I have also possibly seen this bird closer to me in the inner west.

(I do love that angry expression of the photo, a few little birds can have that look!)


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