Hello, took a few photos of some shore birds at Dirk Harthog Island WA this month.
Thought I'd share and seek conformation of my identification.
1, Grey-Tailed Tattler
2, Curlew Sandpiper
3, Red Knot ( possibly )
4, Ruddy Turnstone
5, Red-knecked Stints
6, Common Sandpiper
Cheers Murray
All your ID's look good to me. The Curlew Sandpipers are juveniles.
Nice set of photos and birds ... im no expert at all but i agree with your ids 1-5 (wont comment on #6 as i have not seen a common sandpiper)
Thanks people. It was too windy that day to get out fishing on the boats so I took photos of birds. Missed getting photos of a mature White-bellied Sea-Eagle chasing Silver Gulls. Had a Welcome Swallow land on my hand while lying down on the boat, was pretty cool. I tried to get photos of a pair of White Fronted Chats and some Singing Honeyesters but failed.
I did get photos of these guys.
1, Eastern Reef Egret
2, Pied Oystercatcher
3, Pied Cormorant
4, Red Capped Plover
5, Osprey
6, Fairy Terns, Lesser Crested Terns, Silver Gulls
My camera skills aren't the greatest unfortunately but it has got me thinking about researchig a decent camera. Used an old Panasonic DMC-FZ28 free hand in windy conditions. Was a challange in its self. Was great to identify so many species in the one spot. Next time I'll have to take a field guide with me.
Cheers Murray
You got some good birds and good pictures there - good with the ids too i think.
Nice photo of the pied cormorant - i think that must be a immature bird with the flecking on the neck, dont think i have seen a photo of one like that before.
What is the bird on your profile pic ?
The Pied Cormorant appeared to be a young bird. At one stage he swam around our boats and took pilchards from our hands.
The profile pic is a male Superb Fruit-Dove. I used to be right into my aviculture and bred lots of them. Very cool bird. Now I have 300sqm of empty avairies and Prefer to find them in the wild.
Thanks muz1970
Ah, muz. Good for you. Have you thought of converting the 300 square metres of aviary space into natural habitat for the wild birds?
Hi Woko, I have used them in the past for bird rehab when I was doing volunteer wildlife caring but these days our poultry use them. I have planted fig trees and grapes in some so the wild birds can't get to them.
Great to see the old aviaries are being put to good use, muz. There's nothing quite as sad as an abandoned aviary.