Down South

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laza's picture
Down South

Headed down south of lower south west of WA. A couple of hikes at forests near Nannup and along the Cape Leewun Coast near Augusta resulted in some good finds for me

Two new ticks with a Western Spinebill in the forests and a Hooded Plover on the coast.

Plus the best look I have had of a red winged Fairy Wren.

And red-capped Plover on the way home for comparsion with the Hooded

Devster's picture

Great set. I haven't seen a Western Spinebill and didn't even know the Red-Winged Fairywren existed. Thanks for sharing.

oconnore51's picture

Those Red-Winger Fairy Wrens are fantastic photos. (they have that grumpy look on their face.)


alcatraz's picture

Love the shots of the red-winged fairy wren. Have not seen these before. Well done. Thanks for sharing. So many birds, so little time!

brian63's picture

Great selection laza, all would be new for me.


Nice collection of shots again laza - always interesting to see the western australian species. Very cute one of the fairy wren peeking around the tree trunk. 

HelloBirdy's picture

Some great finds there!

Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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