What is the name of this bird ? Please let me know ~

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Sun's picture
What is the name of this bird ? Please let me know ~
zosterops's picture

Where was this photo taken? 

Sun's picture

I am in BC Canada. Thanks !

Sun's picture

Does anyone know about this bird? Many of these birds are visiting my little balcony garden. Are they a sparrow family ? What is the name of this bird ? I live in Brith Columbia, Canada. Thanks !

teganb02's picture

Hi Sun, after some research I believe you have a Dark-Eyed Junco there, I might be wrong, as the only birds I'm familiar with are Australian ones :)

Tegan - Melbourne Vic.

Sun's picture

Finally, I got the name ! Thanks a lot ! I saw them in Google image and they looks the same. Thanks so much for your help.

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