Took this one and only shot of what I think might be a Stubble Quail at Eagleby wetlands. He was there with mum and around five chicks but the lot raced off into long grass before I could get any more images. Revised to a Brown Quail thanks to input from BIB members. Cheers all.
That looks a lot like the brown quail i get in gympie. really beautiful birds when seen up close

Thanks Max. The colours looked different in my ID books and so do the pose. Cheers Murray
NIce find - i thought it looked like a brown quail too, but i have never seen a spotted quail so im not sure how similar/different they actually are.
No Long white Brow, or chestnut throat suggest Brown Quail to me as well. According to my Birds of Australia app the Brown quails have a Rufous form and a brown form.
My vote, for what its worth, is brown Quail.
Thanks all. Looks like it's a Brown Quail! Your help is much appreciated. Happy birding.