perched precariously on a branch in inner western Sydney!
005 by Ann Connor, on Flickr
Wow.....I've not seen one of those before, good capture.
It does surprise you when you see them up the tree but they do it quite well. Good one.
Thank you!
it's amazing how they can survive cats, dogs and foxes.
They have two things going for them, they are smart and they are lightning fast off the mark.
And they can escape into the trees maxhr
Good stuff Ann. First time I have seen one above Terra Firma!
Nice shot - i was very surprised first time i saw one perched in a tree
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Wow.....I've not seen one of those before, good capture.
It does surprise you when you see them up the tree but they do it quite well. Good one.
Thank you!
it's amazing how they can survive cats, dogs and foxes.
They have two things going for them, they are smart and they are lightning fast off the mark.
And they can escape into the trees maxhr
Good stuff Ann. First time I have seen one above Terra Firma!
Nice shot - i was very surprised first time i saw one perched in a tree