Eagleby Wetlands is alive with birds at present thanks to the wet coming back into wetlands with the big flood earlier this year. One special resident is this beautiful Australian Owlet-Nightjar in his tree hole. A first for me.
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Nice find Al. I have not seen any owls lately in my area. Maybe I'm not looking up enough.
Yes lovely find Alcatraz. Interesting about the brown colour, just looked it up and turns out there are 2 colour morphs - I have only seen the other one. Always nice to learn something new :)
Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera
Stunning photos of a lovely bird.
Thanks Robwill, I would not have found this if not for another birder. Right now it is probably the most photographed bird in SE Qld. Cheers Murray
Looking at my Pizzey bird guide I think this is an adult that has a darker colour than immatures or adults from the inland or the south of Aussie. Cheers Murray
Thanks Elizabeth. Makes it a lot easier when the bird does not move!!!
I love these cute little guys. I never realised how small they actually were until I saw my first one. Great pics.
Thanks mate!
Lovely! The only time I've seen one is mountain biking at night in Gap Creek - always on the trail around the same place.
I've seen it about 3 times now, and it seemed a bit darker than this one (though it WAS at night).
Cheers Tim. So rarely we see owls in the wild, and when we do it is pretty special.
Fantastic, amazing creature - well done
(Putting on my pedant's hat :) ) Technically these guys aren't actually owls - but they are nocturnal birds and pretty uncommon and exciting to see.
Thanks WD. Have seen some Wandering WDs at Eagleby lately, so hope to snap one soon. Cheers Muzz
How gorgeous and a wonderful sighting. Sounds like those wetlands are an interesting place to visit
Thanks Sue. The wetlands are close to where I live so I spend a lot of time there. So lucky. There are something like 220 bird species sighted there, so there is always something of interest for us birders. If you are ever up this way would be pleased to show you around. (That goes for any out of town birders). Cheers.
Thanks Alcatraz. Generally we take the inland roads and do not hit the coast till about Mackay or Townsville. However, I will keep it in mind for the future.