What thrush is this?

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David Spicer's picture
What thrush is this?

This bird was seen in a garden in Emerald, Victoria. As you can see it is about the size of a Crimson Rosella. Is it a Song Thrush?

soakes's picture

It looks like a bower bird to me

Olinda, Victoria, Australia

David Spicer's picture

Yes I think you are right. Thanks

Fizee72's picture

I think it is a female Satin Bower bird, they can be quite destructive in the garden picking of flowers that they don't seem to eat.

When it is flowers on the Tomatoes it can be annoying.

soakes's picture

Nice find.  I've never seen a bower bird in the Dandenong Ranges, but I have heard that they are there.

Olinda, Victoria, Australia

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