These 2 always confuse me because they look so alike. This one was spotted in Gerogetown, Queensland so I think in the Paperbark's region but still close to the Restless's cut off zone. DOes anyone have any helpful tips on distinguishing the 2?
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Does anyone have any insight?
Hard to say...I know that they build their nest out of different materials. Paperbarks making nest out of paperbark tree bark and restless making their nests out of spider webs. Utherwise I don’t know.
Wimmera mally region, Vic.
This is information from Menkhorst et al: The Australian Bird Guide:
So there are relatively minor differences which require scrutiny with an intense scrute to discern.
Never seen a paper bark fly catcher. Only restless. It calls all the tails and you always know that its around. There appears to be only one tho, and I don’t see it often.
Wimmera mally region, Vic.