Walking to work today with the Nikon P900, spotted a pair of these. One posed quite nicely for a few minutes, feeding on eucalypt leaves, the other was a bit shy and wouldn't cooperate. A great start to any working day! Apologies if it's bit photo heavy.
For those who have read my Noisy Miner post comparing my 2 cameras, these photos around 7:30 am, overcast day surrounded by dry sclerophyll type scrub, near a small creek. The light wasn't that great. All hand held, no cropping, set to Scene - Birding, so basically everything is automatic. Pretty happy with the reslults.
Green Rosella by Dale Watson, on FlickrGreen Rosella by Dale Watson, on FlickrGreen Rosella by Dale Watson, on FlickrGreen Rosella by Dale Watson, on FlickrGreen Rosella by Dale Watson, on FlickrGreen Rosella by Dale Watson, on Flickr
Fantastic shots, Dale. Seems the camera is really fit for purpose
Some great shots of a cool bird, Dale - one for my list when I come down there :-) Very much looking forward to my Tassie trip.
Thank you both. Alex, I'll be very surprised if you don't see one!
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
wow, that p900 on 'birding' mode is making pic taking fun dale? i like point and shoot, nar, i love it. looks like you are getting the hang of that new toy. almost got me buying one, mmm. great pix.
Thanks tweetee, it's great fun, either point and shoot, or put some effort into it. Just enjoy getting out! Anyone wanting point and shoot, I think this is a good camera for birding, so long as the subject is in even light (not too dark). The zoom is phenomenal, so long as you can keep the subject in the viewfinder when pressing the shitter button.
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
lol, made me laugh dale, i always press that sh*tter button too, when the lil sh*tters are flying about and miss 'em. yeh, i've found best to have multishot on, that way maybe one shot will be ok, especially when zooming. it's so nice to see a focused shot, in a near full frame. cheers.
Now I can't stop laughing.
Dale Huonville, Tasmania