Injured Satin Bower Bird

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Injured Satin Bower Bird

I've seen this bird a couple times today and it obviously has something wrong with its foot.

It doesn't seem to be impacting its ability to get food, fly, and perch. Is there anything I should try to do or just leave it be?

sue818's picture

Contact your local wildlife carer if you can. I will ask my daughter for advice but if it is coping then perhaps leave it be. Could be an old break which has now healed.

sue818's picture

My daughter (wildlife carer) suggests that you leave it be if it appears to be stable and able to function with no signs of pain or stavation. If that situation changes, then take action.


Thanks Sue! Will keep an eye out for it and only intervene if it seems to be in real trouble.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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