white-faced heron

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aa's picture
white-faced heron

got it this afternoon at lake richmond, the wooden boardwalk was already repaired and you can go near the waters :)

Raoul's picture

Nice close up aa, what lens did you use? i was at lake Richmond last month and the only thing going on there were seagulls.

Birdgirl2009's picture

Excellent close-up, especially of the eye, and I like the very out-of-focus background

aa's picture

thanks raoul, i used the minolta combo of 300/2.8 and 2xtc....there's 2 raptors i spotted at the lake, lots of pelicans, great egret, yellow-billed spoonbill, stilts and this.....you should visit it again mate :)

@birdgirl, thanks and i really like the bokeh of this lens too :)

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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