Stockton birds

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Birdgirl2009's picture
Stockton birds

Today I went to Stockton Sandpit - a very good wetlands area for migratory and non-migratory birds. There weren't many though, because it was high tide. I went on to Stockton Beach and walked along the breakwall. I enjoyed watching the crested terns plunge-diving for fish but had no hope of photographing them

Red-necked avocets

White-faced heron

Crested tern

Siver Gull

Black-shouldered kite

Australian darter

GeorgeP's picture

Very nice series of pics, Birdgirl. That place has quite a variety of species. That's a nice close-up of the Darter.


Melbourne, VIC

Lyn's picture

Enjoyed the photos - living in the hills it is nice to see some of the coastal birds. Lovely!


Excellent Birdgirl, loved em all,thankyou for sharing.

Birdgirl2009's picture

This was supposed to be Stockton Sandspit (not sandpit!) and silver gull

smeedingo2's picture

HI Birdgirl
I was at stocton the other day and seen the avocets but didn't get a photo before they flew away top shots.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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