Today we went to the Australian Reptile Park at Somersby (between Sydney and Newcastle). Conditions for photographing birds were difficult - either through cages or inside cages in heavy shade or part bright sun and mesh shadows. Still some of the birds were so gorgeous I decided to share. One enclosure had black-shouldered kites, tawny frogmouths, barn owls and southern boobook owls. I couldn't get a good photo of the southern boobook owls because of the light, but they are really beautiful.
black-winged stilt
black-shouldered kite
barn owls
tawny frogmouth
Birds at the Australian Reptile Park
Tue, 21/07/2009 - 08:38
Birds at the Australian Reptile Park
HI Birdgirl
Some realy top shots I realy like the Black-shouldered kite top shots.
Hi! I love the Barn Owls - wise-looking guys!
I still don't like to see birds behind wire or in cages - but I know that it is a way that people can see them. We went to the Bird Park in Singapore once and it was one of the most miserable experiences of my life - especially to see the huge Birds of Prey caged and looking sad.
Beautiful shots Lyn, I would love to go there.
Thanks everyone
Lyn - I agree - I have never kept a bird in a cage, or ever wanted to. But it's hard to pass up the chance of having a close look at such absolutely beautiful creatures; ones I'll probably never get to see in the wild