Spotted this little bird high in the treetops at Peter Murrell Reserve south of Hobart.
I was helping Tark spot birds, but I wandered off and decided to try for myself with my Canon S5-IS.
I can't identify this in my book so would appreciate any info.
My First Shot
Sun, 26/07/2009 - 23:24
My First Shot
This is the uncropped shot.
Regards, Sandra
Someone will know Sandra - my identification success is 0 out of 3 so far, so I am no help at all!
Hi Sandra
It looked like a White-eared Honeyeater to me, at first - except for the lack of white patch on side of the head.
Alan Fletcher has published a list of Birds of Tasmania on his blog.
If you are a Tasmanian resident, then I suggest you bookmark this list (save as "Favourite"). He has linked photos of many (but not all) of the species, especially the bush birds.
From this list the only likely bird is the Yellow-throated Honeyeater, which clearly has a dark head and throat (except for the yellow bit, which is relatively small and so is probably only visible from the front.
Check this image:
Hope that helps.
Denis Wilson
Hi Sandra and Denis
Denis, you beat me that time, working from field guides, I have come to much the same thoughts as you. Not much else it can be, I'll go for the Y-TH H E
Ed Townsville NQ
Lyn- Thanks for that,I will try to catch this bird closer up next time.
Hi Denis and ed,
Thanks for all that information, I had been looking through all of the honeyeater pictures and was completely baffled.
I have bookmarked the URL which wiil be very useful.
Regards, Sandra