Taken yesterday afternoon at Tomato lake,male and female Blue billed duck.
Been having line trouble with my internet server and been off line for a while,surprising how much your emails mount up when you don't delete them every day.
Blue billed duck
Wed, 29/07/2009 - 21:19

Blue billed duck
They are great shots of both of them.
well done, mate..
I have never seen a Blue billed Duck before! Lovely photos.
What a beautiful duck. I have not heard of them
Great you could capture them together. It makes a great study.
Melbourne, VIC
Both very nice images Raoul. Never have I seen or heard the likes of such a duck.
Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour
Thanks everyone.... Cheers Raoul
Nice picture. I have never heard of these birds either. I wonder how they got their name? ;-)
Are these birds rare, or only in a limited range? Wait, I'll look it up myself.... hmm it looks like I should know about them! I may have some in my own back yard!
- soakes
Olinda, Victoria, Australia
HI Raoul
A realy nice duck and photos do they fly there wings look very small, Nice shots.
good one mate, first time i've seen this specie :)
is that lake near our place??
Thanks for sharing Raoul, they are both nice shots mate.
well done soakes,you put a smile on my face.
Dingo i haven't seen them fly but i presume they do.
aa Tomato lake in Kewdale.
Thanks Tassie.