Eastern Rosellas (if I'm not mistaken?)

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tarkineus's picture
Eastern Rosellas (if I'm not mistaken?)

After the Maggies came the Parrots, a whole pandemonium of them landed in a field quite near to me. So intent they were on feeding that I was able to get within just a few feet of them - almost as bold as seagulls. I was hoping to catch a few in flight as I did the magpies but my long lens wasn't fast enough to freeze their flight in such poor light. Not to worry, if the sun ever shines again then I shall be waiting!


Mate,well done they are very nice.
You are lucky you have them down there.
Good shots champ.
Thanks for sharing.

smeedingo2's picture

HI Tark
Nice shots of a pretty bird but it has amazed me that your E.Rs have a green back and ours have a yellow back I will post a photo after tea to show you what I mean.

GeorgeP's picture

Nice shots, Tark. We have plenty around at the moment but I cannot get within 25m of the buggers. I'd love to get one like your second shot. Thanks for sharing.


Melbourne, VIC

Birdgirl2009's picture

The colours are stunning aren't they? We have them coming in every day - some to look at the nesting box

tarkineus's picture

*Thanks Tassie, don't worry, you have more than your fair share of lookers too mate - and I ain't even countin' them meter maids you got up there mate!
*dingo, Yes, I have commented on your post and it is interesting how parrots have evolved into so many different sub species - I guess they must think the same as us when they see us wearing different clobber!
*George, it's odd isn't it how at one location you can't even get near a tree they're perched in before they fly away, yet this mob were foraging by a sports ground and seemed quite unconcerned about my close proximity, at one point I was no more than 3 metres from a pair.
*Birdgirl, those that come to look at your nesting box are probably also looking at others in your area, deciding which to buy ... make sure yours has an ensuite off the master bedroom and that the roof don't leak! Thanks sis'.

Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour

Birdgirl2009's picture

Nesting box is the best of the best - see below a pair in it half an hour ago and a previous year's chicks (posted yesterday but so cute I'll post again here)

daggert's picture

No wonder there are so many around the place. 6 chicks that I can see.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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