I've had some luck with raptors lately - even saw a Wedgetailed Eagle which is rare in Newcastle.
Brown Falcon
Swamp Harrier
Australian Hobby - immature
Australian Hobby
White-bellied Sea Eagle - immature
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A great series marj. Especially like your Sea Eagle snatching its prey from the water.
Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour
EDIT BUTTON - Osprey, sorry.
Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour
HI Marj
Really nice shots love them all.
HI Marj
Really nice shots love them all.
Nice shots, Marj. Finding one BoP in my neighbourhood would be great. Seeing five must have been a thrill. Thanks for sharing.
Melbourne, VIC
Marj you have hit the raptor jackpot,everyone a good shot. Well done.
Marj, you must be pleased with these captures, lovely shots. Like the others I am envious of seeing so many raptors . I get a glimpse now and then. Today I saw one with a white face sitting on top of a lamp post next to a canal but only as I was driving by.
Thanks for showing us
Sunshine Coast Queensland
What great shots. The immature Australian hobby is gorgeous. I'm noticing birds of prey in the area much more now I'm aware of them (esp whistling kites and black-shouldered kites). I was having coffee with a friend and one flew past us, along the river right in town behind the shops in the Maitland mall (didn't have my camera)
Hi Marj
Great shots, all of them.
Isn't the small falcon, in flight, a Kestrel? - rather than an Australian Hobby? (3rd image from bottom).
Very pale, and has line across tip of tail.
Nice shot.
Denis Wilson
Hi Marj
Think I'm with Denis re. the flying "Hobby"
Ed Townsville NQ
I originally labelled it a Kestrel, that's what I thought it was in the field - then was told the face markings made it a hobby.
It's a small bird of prey - that's all I know.
I was driving along the river the other day with a Swamp Harrier flying beside me, keeping pace, at window height.
Oh Marj, that would be great to see, I think I would probably drive off the road in my excitement though
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Hi Marj
I understand the confusion, but Kestrels do have the famous Falcon's tear drop mark, but it is much less pronounced than most other Falcons.
Here is a COG gallery link to a flying bird almost identical to your bird.
Overall, the Kestrel is lighter in colour and build (much less chunky) than the Hobby.
Denis Wilson
It's so hard to get those in flight shots, you've done very well.
Hi Denis, a Kestrel for you ... taken on the way home this afternoon. Another shot involving squealing brakes and illegal u-turns.
My Kestrel shots on Flickr http://www.flickr.com/search/?q=Australian%20Kestrel&w=71589894%40N00
Hi Marj
Good work on the brake pedal.
Great shot and nice clear face markings.
You have a lovely set of Kestrel images - all of them.
You ought not take too much notice of other people's opinions (including mine) :-)
Denis Wilson
I respect your advice Denis, primarily because you always give the markers that lead you to a particular ID, not just an opinion.
Thanks Marj.
That's a nice compliment!
Denis Wilson
Black-Shouldered Kite - with a mouse
Super shots - I like the Brown Falcon - such pretty plumage.
I only see them from the car and by the time I get myself off the road and organised they are too far away! None around home, but we do see the odd Wedgie soaring.
HI Marj
I love your photography, this is a great selection of shots.
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Great set of shots Marj! I love the look of the imm Hobby