Lyrebirds 'n' kookas

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heva1's picture
Lyrebirds 'n' kookas

Just thought I'd share these from this afternoons walk on a beautiful day (a nice break from the wind, rain, hail, thunder and lightening of this week in Vic!)

DenisWilson's picture

Hi Heva
Lovely shot of the Lyrebird in the tree, with tail in perfect focus.
Nice pair of Kookas, too.


Hey Heva,thanks for sharing,I have never seen a Lyrebird.
Nice shots.

tarkineus's picture

Hi Heva, great shots of two species on my 'wish list' - The only place in Tassie at which I've seen Lyrebirds is at the Hastings Caves National Park, many long years ago. It's a pretty long drive from Hobart.

Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour

heva1's picture

Thanks Tassie and Denis, yes,they are a tricky one to get tail in focus as it seems in constant motion being very fine and wispy.A good challenge for me though I guess!Also gives me a workout trekking after them through the bush..(feel like I've done a few hours at the gym today!)startled a few wallabies too....
Tark -do you not have Kookas in Tassie? I love the colours on thier back and tail, very beautiful and they sit nice and still for thier photograph to be taken too!

Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best

tarkineus's picture

Yes Heva, we have KBs here but in spite of several attempts I've no yet succeeded in getting a decent shot of one.

Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour

Birdgirl2009's picture

Beautiful shots of both kookaburras and lyrebird - especially of the lyrebird calling - spring is certainly in the air!

smeedingo2's picture

Hi Hev
What Beautiful shots love them.

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