Connors Track - Hat Head NP

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stevehapp's picture
Connors Track - Hat Head NP

These photos were taken on the Connors Track, from Hungry Head to Korogoro Point. Hat Head National Park. NSW.
One of the most scenic coastal walks in Australia, I reckon.
Last week's mid-north coast safari.
1. Silvereyes Bathing.

2. Spangled Drongo

3. Bar-shouldered Dove


tarkineus's picture

Hi steve, looks like the silvereyes have chosen a polluted spot to bathe, I guess they would end up smelling pretty fowl. :) My favorite is the bar shouldered dove.

Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour

smeedingo2's picture

HI Steve
Looks like you are haveing a top trek mate nice shots.

stevehapp's picture

thanks tark and dingo.
It was last week. I am still processing all the photos..


Gidday Steve I love the Silver eye shot mate,I know how hard they are to get.
Well done.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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