Again - not really a "Best Photo" - these guys were swimming at a hundred miles an hour and I only just got them.
But how cute is this - there is always one non-conformer!!!
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The story of my life, Lyn!
Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour
And God Bless the non-conformers amongst us Tark!!
They are cute Lyn, I had some over the back fence a few months ago.
He may be non-conforming....but he is out in front.....
Ed Townsville NQ
I'm with you Ed.
See Yez
He's the Drum Major (?) the one out the front in a parade - well spotted!
Ed - Bushanwater & Marj.... "he" could be a "SHE"!
very true......
Ed Townsville NQ
yes Lyn, he could be a she. Point taken.
See Yez