Goanna vs Noisy Miner

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birdie's picture
Goanna vs Noisy Miner

Across the road from my work I was alerted by a fellow bird watcher to this spectacular display of bravery! :)
This large goanna had been chased up a very tall gum tree and was absolutely harassed by a variety of birds, starting with the magpies and butcherbirds who chased it up there, then a kookaburra torpedoed in several times to stab its head, and then the tenacious little noisy miner who just wouldn't give up his pesky little alerts and attacks.

They were very high up an with foliage in the way i was at full zoom ( 300) so it was not the best photographic offering I could give.

Interesting effect that gravity had on the goanna's stomach - I wonder if he was full of birds eggs!!?

tarkineus's picture

A fascinating drama being acted out there birdie, you did well to capture it at 300mm notwithstanding - and that inevitable white sky of death was agin you from the start!

Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour

smeedingo2's picture

HI Birdie
The goannas used to visit the yard but the dingo and the black dog keep them out now and I think that is why all the bird's nest in the yard now they seem to know that it is safe now. VERY GOOD

birdie's picture

I was not even aware that we had goannas up to 1.5m nearby so the whole thing was fascinating to me.

You have got to hand it to the miners, they really are a tenacious little bird, scared of nothing.

We have a pair of white-faced herons nesting in a nearby tree so I hope they manage to keep their eggs safe

Sunshine Coast Queensland

bushanwater's picture

Nothin stires up a parent bird like a preditor. It's a wonder it wasn't mobbed by a dozen noiseys.

See Yez

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