We went to Hallidays Point for the weekend and I saw all kinds of birds - including lots of parents with young. It was rainy but I was able to get out and about between showers. I didn't get close - I had the long lens on.
Male wood duck with young
Purple swamphen with young
Australasian grebe with young
Willie wagtail with young
Juvenile magpie
Baby bird time
Wed, 07/10/2009 - 04:27
Baby bird time
Wow Birdgirl, they are top shots I like them all.
You did very well to get the Woodie and especially the Grebe.
Well done.
Your sure right about it being baby bird time. My wife and I have found about 8 willy wagtail nests at Baldwin Swamp (Bundaberg) in the last few weeks. Along with a number of other nests and young birds. Thanks for posting Birdgirl.
See Yez
Great pictures,even on the industrial estate were i work, no trees and lots of building and industry the Wagtails are feeding young.
Ed Townsville NQ
A nice collection of new life there sis, and can't recall ever seeing a juv. Magpie that young before. and the male Wood Duck looks identical to one I posted recently. In observing two pairs for a half hour or so I noticed how attached the male and female are to each other; they stuck with each other like glue.
Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour
Nice photos Birdgirl, it certainly is a lovely time of year.
Bushanwater, Have you ever noticed if you see a Pee Wees nest there is always a Willie Wagtails nest nearby but not always visa versa. I was told this a hundred years ago and have found it to be true for the most part.
Gorgeous shots - I especially like Dadda Duck with his littlies! That species look so much fluffier than the little Pacific Blacks I saw at our wetlands. And I have never seen a baby Swamphen before.
Your babies seem a bit ahead of ours down south here - everyone is still sitting on nests around me.
The Herons are still building their nest - talk about fussy - every twig has to be inspected and fiddled with for ages before they are happy with it!
Ray- I was thinking along those lines myself this afternoon down at the swamp. Definately worth taking note of.
See Yez
HI Birdgirl
Love the shots and haven't heard any baby noises at the box yet but mum and dad still coming and going.
Lovely photos, best time of year isn't it?
Thanks everyone - my eyes have been closed for a few weeks with all the car details, but I'll try to re-open them
Smeedingo2 - I haven't managed to catch sight of Mrs Rosella - I rush out when I hear Mr Rosella calling but haven't seen her coming out of the box yet. I thought we had lost them after the dust storm but rosellas have been around. We were away last weekend so I need to get out and watch for a while to see if they are our original pair. Good luck with yours.
Here are some more babies
wood ducks with young
5 baby Australasian grebes
I have never seen baby grebes before - great to see!
Those baby swamp hens (also similar babies like coots etc) are SO CUTE!