Barking owls

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tiffanyH's picture
Barking owls

As I mentioned in my intro post, I have been lucky to have a family of barking owls take up residence near my deck. These are a few photos I managed to grab:

tiffanyH's picture

Whoops, linked a too large pic, try this:

DenisWilson's picture

Amazing images of great birds, Tiffany.
Well done.

Lyn's picture

They are just gorgeous Tiffany - one of my very favourite birds. Not like Birdie's Friarbirds - but don't tell her I said that! LOL.

GeorgeP's picture

Nice shots, Tiffany. What a great species to have outside your door !


Melbourne, VIC

birdie's picture

They are gorgeous Tiffany.
Lyn just remember the old saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Now if you were a female friarbird ( or vice versa)) they would look gorgeous too!



Sunshine Coast Queensland

smeedingo2's picture

HI TiffanyH
I love the owl shots top stuff.

heva1's picture

oh wow Tiffany you are very lucky to have a family so close, thanks for sharing these with us. Do you mind if I ask what state do you live? I notice they are all awake and its daylight.... aren't they nocturnal birds? if so even luckier to get pics.

Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best

tiffanyH's picture

I live in NSW about an hour north of Sydney CBD, on the coastal strip. The owls seemed to doze during the day but were often awake and calling to each other or whistling at noisy miners when they were harassing them. Apparently they hunt at dawn and dusk so that would be consistent with them being semi-nocturnal.

The family have left my yard now, I assume to a less populated area to teach the chicks how to hunt. I would dearly love to know where they go when they leave here!

missmercy's picture

Wow, how special to have had these close to your house. Am extremely jealous but happy for you to.

Is this the first time you've had them nearby?


Superb shots of a beautiful bird you have there Tiff, thanks for posting I have never seen one.

bushanwater's picture

If you see a green glow in the northern sky Tiffany that will be my envy showing from QLD. Good luck and good photography make great photographs. Well done indeed.

See Yez

Birdgirl2009's picture

Absolutely beautiful birds - what incredible luck

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