Here's some birds I saw at golf and my grandmother's after on Sunday.
Baby Wood Ducks
Eastern Rosella
Juv Kookaburra
Sulphur Crested Cockatoo
Willie Wag Tail on cow's head.
White Faced Heron
Wood Ducks
And finally, the very small and elusive Yellow Thorn Bill
I love my golf course and my Grandmother's, so many different types of birds!! Like the Reed Warbler, Coreallas, Wattlebirds etc. it's pretty cool.
Nice pics!
I love the Easern Rosella - we don't get them up here in Brissie, just the Pale-Headed version, which is not quite as spectacular.
I also like the shot of the Willie Wagtail on the cow's head - they're feisty little fellas! I've been watching nesting WWs harass the crows at work lately.
Good on you mate. Nice work getting the photographs.
See Yez