Ed was complaining about everyone going quiet recently, so here's one of a few that I captured this weekend. This species moved into our park when the council set up up a wetlands system there. Very shy initially but now quite relaxed with people. I hope you enjoy.
Masked Lapwing.
Mon, 16/11/2009 - 03:04

Masked Lapwing.
not so much complaining..just did not believe you had all put your cameras away... a lot more black and smaller wattles than on many of our local birds, we are right in the zone where the races novaehollandiae (your bird) and miles (northern birds) start to mix it up...
Ed Townsville NQ
G'day ed, yeah "complaining" was too harsh a word to use. Should have used "commented" instead. Sorry mate.
Melbourne, VIC
George, let's just see how relaxed they and you are when they start nesting next season!!! :'D
We have heaps of them on the construction site where I work. Unfortunately our retirement resort is being built on what was traditionally a marshy wetland near some floodplain land on the South flatlands of Buderim.
Eventually though, the birds will have lots of back and front gardens to visit and the stormwater is being diverted to what will eventually be a wetland type pond, so it won't be all bad for them. the other species are already finding it amazing to have full sized palms and gardens where there were none!! The noisy friarbird dropped in for a swim the other day in our new pool!
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Hi All,
On a visit to Darwin’s Fannie Bay Gaol at the entrance was a sign, stating that Masked Lapwings were nesting. Never heard of those birds, so was eager to see these birds. On hearing their call/warning it sounded like a Plover, but they looked a little different to what I could remember. Will look for some of my other photos I have taken here in SA. Looking on the net later I found that they are much the same bird different name. Anyhow a few shots I took of it. 1st on their nest, out in the hot sun. You would think they may look for shade too, but then here in SA I have only seen them in the open [img] http://lh5.ggpht.com/_2znpgCnEvyc/SvaZCc5l-iI/AAAAAAAAKVk/zH9GuKT8pbw/s720/081109%20042.JPG[/img]
Keeping an eye on me!! [img] http://lh4.ggpht.com/_2znpgCnEvyc/SvaZEId5feI/AAAAAAAAKVo/1ITNAG2taZQ/s720/081109%20046.JPG [/img]
In a pool of water outside the Gaol, Never seems to be much shortage around Darwin [img] http://lh5.ggpht.com/_2znpgCnEvyc/SvaZF0Ovi-I/AAAAAAAAKVs/9UTt9HPlk5I/s720/081109%20110.JPG [/img]
[img] http://lh6.ggpht.com/_2znpgCnEvyc/SvaZHpJNdKI/AAAAAAAAKVw/PSCYRzBMWNY/s720/081109%20111.JPG [/img]
I have a couple more I may include later, when I get them off my camera.