Female Koel

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bushanwater's picture
Female Koel

I suppose i waited lomg enough and one of them sat still for me. A male will one day I hope.

birdie's picture

Lovely shot Trev! Really terrific surroundings , it all works so well. it has to be one of the best examples I've seen on here yet. I so want to see one of these girls


Sunshine Coast Queensland

GeorgeP's picture

Agree with Birdie. This is one of the best shots of this species that I've seen. Well done, Trev.


Melbourne, VIC

guzzi's picture

Hi Trev, lovely shot, well done.


thepetdirectory's picture

You have truly captured the spirit of the Koel hen. Magnificent shot. Well done! The Pet Directory http://www.petdirectory.com.au/?page=birds

birdie's picture

I guess it had to happen one day, there is always one isn't there!

Sunshine Coast Queensland


The females are much prettier ;) Nice pic, generally their to high up in trees for me.


Talk about take the words right out of my mouth you lot....lol
There is not much left for me to say Trev, My first thought when I saw that pic was it should be framed.
Exceptional shot of this species mate....Well Done !!!

VernJ's picture

Great great shot Trev ... thanks for posting.


heva1's picture

Wow... brilliant!

Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best

bushanwater's picture

Thanks everyone. To be honet I was dissapointed with the technical quality but she might come back another day. Never mind birdie, with a bit of luck we won't get too much of those posts.

See Yez

birdie's picture

Thanks Bushy, I didn't want to be too unkind and I didn't think anyone had got it.
I did see another of the same and I think it is totally inappropriate. About the technical difficulties, I think the composition more than made up for any slight imperfections. I have never seen one look more beautiful and if that was me i would be ecstatic! :'D



Sunshine Coast Queensland

sewal's picture

Great shot Trev. Here is a male to go with your female. Like you I consider myself lucky to see one down lower so that I could photograph it. This one was in a crepe myrtle tree in my northern suburb Brisbane backyard.


bushanwater's picture

Got this on the long weekend. I suppose a male had to follow a female. We had 2 of each in the trees in the back yard so it was a matter of climbing up and down the tree untill I got the chance for a shot.

See Yez

heva1's picture

Excellent Trev, great capture. Are they nesting in your garden? lucky you (even if they are just dining out in your garden:)

Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best

heva1's picture

just looking at the female shot again which is superb. The light brown markings on the breast look sort of fuzzy whereas the rest of the picture is sharp as.... was she calling and therefore the breast was moving or is that the appearance of the markings sort of fluffy?

Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best

bushanwater's picture

Koels are cuckoos Hev so they don't have a nest of their own. They usually use Pee Wee (magpie lark) nests in our area from what I know so I will be keeping an eye on the Pee Wee nest in the tree next door. I looked at about 5 of the original images from the day i shot the female and almost every one of them had that area of the bird blured. I don't remember if she was calling when I took the shots but they can be very vocal.

See Yez

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