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heva1's picture

4 pics from Yarram and one question, the grey fantail shots.... one has a pinky coloured chest... could it be a juvenile rufous fantail?
Eastern Spinebill
Grey Fantail
Black faced cuckoo shrike (I think)


Gidday Hev,how are you? Nice shots. All of those birds are what you say they are,the description for young Rufous Fantails matches what you have there.
Eventually the orange fades from their breast as they mature.
I would love to see one,thanks for sharing.

heva1's picture

Hey Tassie, I'm going good how about you?
I'm very happy it was a Rufous as I have been trying to get a shot of one of those for ages, I see them while on camping trips/walks but never actually managed to get a shot. The other day one was in the garden, so I was running about like a mad thing upstairs on the balcony trying to get a shot... no luck tho' too quick for my slow manual focus fingers! I think the neighbours thought I was some kind of spying nosy neighbour though as it must have looked like I was trying to get shots of them having a family barbie!
That was the one and only time I have seen a Rufous in the garden.

Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best

bushanwater's picture

Rufous fantail in your garden?? That green glow in the sky is coming from my place. Well done Hev , those first three are very hard because they are so hyperactive. Thanks for posting.

See Yez

heva1's picture

Hey Trev, wait til I get a decent shot before you glow green!

Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best

birdie's picture

Nice shots Hev. Don't worry about the neighbours, how do you think mine feel when I am perched on a chair over the fence towards the bottom of their garden and the drain? Then to top that off, I got a super powerful spotlight for Xmas, and each time I hear a possum in the bush I'm out there ....lighting up the bush like a lighthouse light!! There are heaps of verandahs hidden ibn the trees where people are having meals etc. They must think i'm the local pervert of something!!




Sunshine Coast Queensland

heva1's picture

That's funny Birdie!(or should that be pervie?!)
We were in Bright a few weeks back and I thought I heard a bowerbird in the tree behind the tent, I too have a big spotlight that I keep in the trailer... so I snuck round the back to the tree between our tent and the cabin next door... unfortunately, just as I turned on the spotlight, the man in the cabin next door was coming into his bedroom (yup you guessed it.. the window behind the tree) from the shower.... luckily he had a very small towel wrapped around the important bits! I'm not sure his wife was entirely convinced at my apology and explanation the next day.
I didn't use my spotlight for the rest of the weekend!

Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best


I am cracking up here thanks to you Hev and Birdie.
I think both of you should be locked up after dark then you and the neighbours would all be safe.....lol.

heva1's picture

If I ever come up your way camping... be afraid.. be very afraid....

Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best


Ahhh I will win you over Hev I will just pull out the chilled red wine.....lol

birdie's picture

Hey Tassie

You're not Greek are you? they like their red chilled!!
To tell you the truth, with the climate up there I don't blame you :')

Cheers then


Sunshine Coast Queensland


Lol, no Birdie I am definately as True Blue as they get.
The "chilled" red wine thing is a bit of a running joke going on with Hev.

heva1's picture

not Greek just no class! lol

Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best

birdie's picture

You guys are funny ...... well I have absolutely no class cos I hate red totally :)

Sunshine Coast Queensland


Ha ha ha...I will pay that one Hev and Birdie I must have a lot less class than you because I don't drink at all anymore.

heva1's picture

ah but Birdie, ifyou did drink red...you wouldn't drink it chilledwould you? ;)

Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best

birdie's picture

Hate to confess this Hev, but I actually drink soda with my white....... totally classless according to stuck up wine waiters, you should see the look I get if i order one. Actually Tassie I am getting more like you, I simply can't take drink as I get older. Love the first taste but it's all downhill from there.



Sunshine Coast Queensland

heva1's picture

oh crikey...Birdie you are really letting the side down with your confessions...I thought you had style!
seriously I reckon there's a lot of snobbery involved in wine, my theory is it doesn't matter if it's 5 bucks or 50...it's whether it tastes good to me that matters!course if it's 5 bucks and I like it that's even better!!

Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best

birdie's picture

Your dog looks happy on the beach Hev. Obviously he/she goes everywhere with you. I miss my dog, even after 3 years :(

Sunshine Coast Queensland

heva1's picture

Yes, "Even at 13years old the sea air makes me cwayzeeee!!"

Birdie, I know what you mean it's hard when you lose a pet.Especially when, like my two, they come everywhere with you.
My young kelpie gets quite annoyed when I wander away from the tent with my camera birdspotting and she starts yipping as if to stay "oy haven't you forgotten something?!!"

Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best

birdie's picture

Hey Hev, just for old time's sake I thought I'd put him up here. he was 14 when he died and the BEST DOG EVER!!



Sunshine Coast Queensland

heva1's picture

aww Birdie, he's lovely, I used to train GSD's as guide dogs and they were THE most loyal dog to thier owners, not like the labradors who were loyal to ANYONE that fed 'em!14 yrs is a great age for a GSD, must have had lots of TLC I reckon:)

Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best

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