Hello, I will try my best to leave this purely as my best photos, otherwise I will end up with about 50 photos on here, which I don't want and I don't think you guys do either, so i'll just siphon the rest in occasonally in the coming months.
House Sparrow
Seagull with broken leg :(
Not sure exactly what's happening here...
Galahs Galore, so many of these birds in Burra
Baby Rock Dove
Australian White Backed Magpie
Black Faced Cuckoo Shrike
Indian Peafowl It's head might be not capture I think, not resizing it 'cause i don't know how. But seen in the wild!
Dusky Moorhen
Moorhen Chick
Black Faced Cormorant
Magpie Goose - Goose Hybrid?
Eurasian Coot
Adelaide Zoo pics for a while now
Blue Faced Honeyeater, saw 5 of these guys in the wild, very pretty!
My fav. bird of all time, Rainbow Bee Eater, still yet to see one clearly in the wild.
Nankeen Night Heron (still AZ)
CB Cuckoo (AZ)
Cape Barren Geese (AZ)
Back to the wild now, Singing Honeyeater
Dinner for 1?
Pacific Gull (my albatross)
Red Kneed Dotterel
Little Wattlebird
Purple Swamphen
Superb Fairy Wren
Baby Pacific Black Ducks
Singing Honeyeater, again
White Faced Heron (which seems quite popular with you guys lately.
Swans and their cygnets
Yellow Rumped Thornbill
And finally just for fun, Barry the Koala who we found crossing the road while driving, he wasn't shy at all!
Will post the rest of my poorer best photos a little later and also I think most of my other best photos will be in the ID section which I am just about to create. It was a beautiful trip and what spectacular states South Australia and Victoria (sorry others). No spectacular stories from the trip except for handfeeding the swan and the pacific black duck who would jump to grab food from my hand, nothing compared to turning around and seeing a bull, but hey, I'll take what I can get :) Cheers.
Whoops, here's the blue faced honeyeater from the zoo again.
Thanks for sharing your photos Amateur, really loved the Rainbow Bee eater and the Nankeen night heron and the pelican thought Barry the Koala was great too, in fact loved all the birds.. thanks again for sharin.
If I ever get around to getting a camera and work out how to put them on this site, would love to share some of my garden birds with you folks too, although they would be nothing as good as the birds that others put on the site, its lovely to see them all. Thanks everyone its really appreciated. Angela
Some really nice shots Amature thanks for posting your Pics of S.A., did you get to the Coorong at all.
Hi Amature
It looks like you had a great time, it is always good to have record shots of the birds (and koalas..)seen,hope you don't mind but a couple of corrections to ID.
Your Nankeen is in fact a Cattle Egret in breeding plumage and I doubt that a Magpie Goose has anything to do with the duck, I suspect it is a domestic duck hybrid.
Ed Townsville NQ
Yeah Ed, right about the Cattle Egret, now I can't remember iff the sign at the zoo said they were Nankeen Night Herons. Though, I did get a photo of a NNH at Granite Island, Victor Harbour. And does that mean a Greylag Goose is a duck and not a "real" or "proper" Goose and is an "imposter" like a Little Wattlebird? Here's the Nankeen Night Heron anyway. Thanks for the ID Corrections.
wow looks like were in birdnerd heaven too for your holiday! great series Amateur, thanks for sharing. My fave is the cattle egret, they are so graceful aren't they? Where did you get to in Vic? and as for not encountering a bull... that's a good thing!
Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best
Hi Amature
The bird in the picture is a domestic duck, mostly breed for the pot. Here is a link (I hope) to the Greylag Goose, as you can see, a totally different bird, all very confusing I know but keep working on the bird IDs as it becomes a great feeling as you get better at it to be able to name a bird based on just a quick glimps, and even more exciting when your first thought is 'what the .... was that'
[url]http://www.rspb.org.uk/wildlife/birdguide/name/g/greylaggoose/index.aspx [/url]
Ed Townsville NQ
Whoops, when you said "I doubt that a Magpie Goose has anything to do with the duck" I thought you meant that the Greylag Goose was a duck becuase I accidentally misread your phrase in my head as "I doubt that a Magpie Goose has anything to do with a duck, inferring that the other bird in the MG - G hybrid was a duck. Hey Hav, it was great for a 'birdnerd' with a wide variety of birs. I also found out that my Dad had taken some photos of an Eastern Spinebill feeding in a low bush and not far away, it would have been beautiful, if his hands were kept still. In Victoria we didn't do much but re-travelled part of the great ocean road again. The cattle egret still evades me a god shot in the wild, often I see them with the cows at my Grandmother's but can never get within 50 metres of them, they are beautiful birds though, esp. with their breeding plumage. And thanks Ed, you probably just solved about half of my unidentifiable water birds :)