New Holland Honeyeater

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New Holland Honeyeater

A few snap of this beatiful birds from my trip away.

Will also post some photos of some Tawny Frogmouths I spotted at my grandmothers yesterday, unfortunately they were roosting wuite high up the tree so they're not great photos :(


I'll just fix that first one.

bushanwater's picture

Looks like you got the resizing sorted out Amateur. Well done.Very nice birds to I wish we had them around my area.

See Yez

Lyn's picture

One of my favourites!

We have always had these in our yard, but recently a group of White-plumed Honey/eaters has arrived. There is a lot of arguing going on! I hope they all settle down and live together peacefully!

I am trying to get a photo of the new arrivals, but they are even quicker than the NH's.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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