Had the pleasure of coming across these somewhat uncommon birds in the Mallee region of S.A. Found I could not get a clear shot in the thick scrub so tried a little experiment that worked nicely.
I scratched around in the sandy leaf litter in a more open area to imitate what the bird was doing in hope to get it's interest. After 5 minutes of this I stood back 15 feet with the camera and waited. It didn't take long before the Robin scurried over to my scratchings and started finding tidbits in the freshly turned earth. Gave me a good opportunity to rattle off several images at close range.
Apologies, but the image i posted seems a bit big....I'll tru again with a smaller size
Sorry....seems I'm not doing something right in posting images
Not sure what's going on here.....I'm linking from Photobucket as I do on most foruns and have reduced the posting size to 160x120 and still the image doesn't fit in right.....any ideas people ?
Hey Colin,
nice to see you on this forum. I can't help you with posting because I usually link from Flickr at 800px x 533px. Keep trying, cos it would be great to have you regularly posting here. Your photo's properties indicate 1,023px × 693px
Melbourne, VIC
Hi George and thanks, I dont know what's happening with these uploads, the Photobucket chosen is second to smallest
Sorry again, still dont know what's happening with the photobucket uploads. Tying something different now.....instead of configuring PB to automatically resize images I've uploaded this one to 800 pix wide in Photoshop before uploading to Photobucket, but I'm expecting a significant loss of image quality......here goes.
{ can someone please delete my original images ..ta }
Arrrrrgh !......I dont get it ?