Little Birds

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Little Birds

Little Birds are just as cool as big birds :)
it hasn't been the best weather for photos but i can always count on my kitchen window.
Love the gentleness in his eyes (Brown Honeyeater)

Eastern Spinebill (male) is a regular visitor but i had 2 of them the other day but they wouldn't keep still long enough to get a picture (next time :) )

and one of my favourite - Fairy wrens

Silvereye is also a favourite but i guess anything with wings qualifies :)


Conspirator's picture

Great ones myky50.
The little advantages of not having cats.



Thanks Conspirator :)
your right I don't have cats but everyone else seems too - there are 3 that take turns to visit so i am constantly on the look out as i have already had one try to kill a baby lorikeet


timmo's picture

I disagree myky... I think little birds are much cooler than big birds! :)
Some reasons:
1. You often have to work harder to see them, so it's much cooler when you do.
2. They seem harder to attract to suburban gardens - one of my aims is to provide food, water and cover for little birds if possible.
3. They add so much more to the sense of life and vibrancy with their fast flit-flitting about.
I went for a walk the other day and was excited to see a great number of little birds including
Chestnut brested mannikin
Double barred finch
Brown honeyeater
Scarlet honeyeater
Grey fantail
Yellowtailed thornbill
Red-backed fairy wren
Great shots by the way. I especially like the spinebill photos.



thanks timmo - you could be right :)



Some beautiful photos, the spinebill's eluded my camera when I saw them. The smaller birds are generally harder to get closer to and are more timid, so well done :)

birdie's picture

Wow, Myky, I'd be pretty happy if I could see that many small birds from my kitchen window. That Eastern Spinebill is one I have never seen, very pretty bird isn't it?

Timmo, you echo my sentiments about little birds. When I first started on here I could never understand the attraction, but once I started to capture them on camera, I realised the challenge was half of the excitement.

I do have a cat plus a regular visiting one, but I do get small birds at times, though probably not as many for that reason. I am happy to say she has never caught a bird here in Oz. In NZ where we got her, the birds were all ground birds such as sparrows, blackbirds & thrushes so they were more at risk. We have plenty of cover around the place for them and I am stuck with her as I love animals and she belongs to my daughter. If we had been living in Oz at the time though I would never have allowed a cat for that reason. I remain very vigilant wherever possible.
In the meantime Myky, I'll have to be satisfied with my catbirds, who wake me every morning at the moment with their calling and clicking. It makes me smile much better than an alarm clock. :')


Sunshine Coast Queensland


The Spinebill is a pretty bird birdie - i love them and it has a beautiful call - it quite often sits outside on kitchen window and sings loudly (just to let me know to get my camera :P )
i love my regular visitors but it's funny how you always wish for more
i quite often see posts on here then look up the bird and see that it should be in my area so then i want one lol
i would love to see your catbird birdie and i too would be happy having it wake me up
i guess you can't have them all but it would be nice if you could
my dream at the moment is to see a male gang gang, a major mitchell and a palm cockatoo in the wild



Top shots Myky,what a superb set of shots through the kitchen window.

Birdgirl2009's picture

They are gorgeous birds to see through your kitchen window. What part of Australian are you from?


thanks Amateur and Tassie :)
I'm in Toowoomba Birdgirl2009



Great shots Myky.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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