Probably one of my favourite photos so far. Due to the fact that these birds rarely stay still for a second. I also like the flower in the shot, makes me want to eat nectar :)
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Definitely a favourite from your flickr stuff!
I'll get back to you shortly on there
Sunshine Coast Queensland
wonderful shot berldo
well done :)
Nice photo Berldo, where did you take that? Is that a juvenile eastern spinebill?
Oxalis is not my friend
Funny you should mention that Mr birdnerd. I actually took that shot when I was up your way. I have a friend who lives in the area however he is renowned for sleeping well into the morning. I took the opportunity to go for a bushwalk and got this juv eastern spinebill not far from his house.
beautiful shot berldo. Is it a juvenile?
Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best
Great shot. Nick work :)
Gorgeous photo