I went on a trip to Lake Eyre last weekend. I was expecting to see heaps of birds but the water is too salty and all the fish have died so there are no birds apart from the usual residents. But I did get to see a few species I hadn't seen before.
Inland Dotterel:
The sighting of the trip was this Red-backed Kingfisher:
Zebra Finches:
And this little bird which was at the same waterhole as the Kingfisher but I don't know what it is:
Lake Eyre- Reb-backed Kingfisher + more
Sun, 29/08/2010 - 03:23
Lake Eyre- Reb-backed Kingfisher + more
Hi Akasha, what a great find..the Red Backed Kingfisher...were you able to observe it for a while or was it a brief encounter? It's so special when you see a particular bird for the first time isn't it? (I have never seen one)
The unidentified bird could be a white browed scrub wren? not sure where Lake Eyre is...but will google it and find out!
Love the Zebra Finches.
Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best
Thanks Hev. I was with a tour group, we stopped at a waterhole for about 5 minutes and I wandered off a little bit and was lucky enough to see this Kingfisher land in a tree long enough to get a photo.
I think it was a bit bigger than a Scrubwren.
(Also sorry about the typo in the title).
Great shots akasha....it would have been great there.
Great photos esp the dotterel and finches