Every day I have been walking past this bottle brush and it is full of these Scalies, having a wonderful feast. They are so much quieter and more shy than the rainbows. Today I decided to take the camera to see what I could get, much to the dog's disgust. it was a change for him to be waiting for me instead of me dragging him away from his favourite places.
It was quite a challenge to handle the dog, the camera and the water bottle at the same time. Our normal 50 minute walk took us 2 hours LOL
Ha ha I've done that. The dog usually gives a little tug on the lead just as I'm taking the photo. Scalies are lovely and often flock with rainbows
yeah I know what you mean, I usually have two dogs with me, the old one (glad of the rest and used to stopping for photo opportunites) lies down while the young one gives a courteous one minute maximum time-limit before she starts fidgeting!
never seen scalies, lovely birds aren't they? what sort of area do they frequent?
glad to see you had your camera with you:)
Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best
they usually hang out in similar areas to the Rainbows, but there are not as many of them and they are less aggressive. I find they seem a bit more particular about what they like to eat whereas the rainbows are just gluttons for anything with a flower!
Last evening I found some up high in a gum tree nearby my place, and they were being harrassed terribly by the noisy miners
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Good shots Birdie....I try hard to get them but they are usually up to high.....well done.
Thanks Tassie, I have been lucky on two occasions with them and both times they are in fairly low trees. As I said, this lot come each year to feast on this particular tree. This morning I went under it again and they are so quiet (compared to rainbow Loris that I didn't even know they were in it till I heard a little murmur as I walked through. They are smaller than the rainbows and just sweeter somehow.... maybe that's a female term I don't know!
Sunshine Coast Queensland