believe me it is not two birds together pasted it to another background to get a better idea here is the original and this is straight from the camera it flew in 1 shot only as was changing battery maybe a black butcherbird
Yes, second photo is a Black Butcherbird 100%! The bill is a good diagnostic feature. The first photo (sorry) does look very, very odd and even the bird looks cut out! :( Which now I think it is knowing you then posted the second image. Had you have posted that as the first I would have said the Black Butcherbird without a moment's hesitation. Nothing wrong with the original image.
The blue tinge is chromatic aberration caused by the light direction relative to the camera/lens and the type of lens, which is most likely a kit lens that are not usually made of very good quality glass. When shooting backlit images the CA as it is abbreviated really shows up as purple fringing. Photoshop can help with some selective color adjustments.
ok have been on nights so please exscuse no pic try again
Thats definitely not a bowerbird. I have never seen anything like it. It might be vagrant of somesought. You should refer it to holly.
LOL. This is certainly a fake image, a composite of at least two species. Never seen anything like it.
That is a Satin Bowerbird
You got me all worked up!
believe me it is not two birds together pasted it to another background to get a better idea here is the original and this is straight from the camera it flew in 1 shot only as was changing battery maybe a black butcherbird
any ideas how to reduce the blue tinge
I have no idea!!!!
Currently looking through my field guide...
OK in the second shot it looks like a Black Butcherbird:
Yes, second photo is a Black Butcherbird 100%! The bill is a good diagnostic feature. The first photo (sorry) does look very, very odd and even the bird looks cut out! :( Which now I think it is knowing you then posted the second image. Had you have posted that as the first I would have said the Black Butcherbird without a moment's hesitation. Nothing wrong with the original image.
The blue tinge is chromatic aberration caused by the light direction relative to the camera/lens and the type of lens, which is most likely a kit lens that are not usually made of very good quality glass. When shooting backlit images the CA as it is abbreviated really shows up as purple fringing. Photoshop can help with some selective color adjustments.