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Robert's picture

Try again, the photo didn't upload correctly. Can you ID this bird from Perth?

al's picture

It is a Southern Boobook, Ninox noveaseelandiae,
Race ocellata

Robert's picture

Thanks for that!

Araminta's picture

Hi Robert, beautiful photo, you took it during the day, didn't you? What made you look for it, when and where you did? We have a few Southern Boobooks in the bush close to our house. Early in the season we can hear them call to eachother, but I was "never" lucky enough to find one during the day! how did you find it? Help!!!


birdie's picture

WHat a gorgeous shot! How lucky to find one in your garden.

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Robert's picture

I found it because of all the birds in the area were going nuts and making a hell of a noise and I went to investigate. He flew from that tree to another and stayed there for about 2 hrs. I think he looks like a baby. It was a real buzz seeing a new bird in the garden. We are really close to the city so it's great to see birds like this here.

birdie's picture

Robert, that is how I find most of my interesting stuff around my home...listening to the other birds. SO far they have led me to pythons, a grey Goshawk, quite a few possums, Common Koels etc.
You mentioning being close to the city reminded me of the one time I have come across an owl... in the centre of Brisbane outside the art gallery I think, and I heard the birds carrying on and looked up to see a Barn Owl sitting quietly in the tree above me! At least in Perth you have King's Park so close to the centre and can go walking there.

Sunshine Coast Queensland

bushanwater's picture

Wonderfull shot Robert. Lucky you finding birds like that in your yard.

See Yez

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