I have been absent for quite a while because my free Flickr site has exceeded the max allowable images and I'm not prepared to pay for the 'pro' subscription. I see that we are now able to directly upload shots to this site. Here goes....
The Western Treatment Plant is a great place to visit and offers both the birder and photographer a chance to see a large variety of species. Waterfowl numbers are down compared with previous years but it's always worth a trip. Thanks for viewing.
A very co-operative Black-shouldered Kite.
Western Treatment Plant birds.
Fri, 22/04/2011 - 06:50

Western Treatment Plant birds.
Hmm, it appears that I don't know the difference b/n a Kite and a Golden-headed Cisticola. Sorry. :lol:
OK, here's the Black-shouldered Kite
Melbourne, VIC
... and a Royal Spoonbill.
Melbourne, VIC
Common Greenshank.
Melbourne, VIC
and finally, a Striated Fieldwren.
If anyone knows how to post more than one photo on a single reply please advise. Ta. I hope I haven't broken any rules by posting so many on the one thread.
Melbourne, VIC
Welcome back George :)
Great photos - looks like you had a successful trip! Unfortunately the software only allows for one attachment file per post but no worries with the multiple posts.
George, every shot is stunning. Where did you see the greenshank and fieldwren. I have been to the treatment plant before but never seen these two birds.
Which permit do you have - general or special access?
Cheers, Owen.
sorry George one more question; what time of year did you go when you took these photos?
Cheers, Owen.
Thanks for the kind comments.
[b]@Owen[b], the Fieldwren was taken on the road b/n the Beach Rd gate and the outfall (on the way to the birdhide) and the Greenshank in one of the ponds just inside the Beach Rd gate.
Fieldwren was taken last week and the Greenshank in late January 2011. I have a limited access key.
Melbourne, VIC
Thanks George. I am going to the plant tomorrow so I will be very watchful for the fieldwrens.
Cheers, Owen.
Sounds like a great place to visit. I love the one of the BSK.