Blue-faced Honeyeater

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purrly's picture
Blue-faced Honeyeater

This was my visitor today. There was a pair of them flying around but this was the only decent picture I managed.

Kimbolina's picture

wow look at him. I don't see any birds around like this, you're very lucky. Great shot :)

birdie's picture

Nice shot purrly and welcome to the forum. They are a striking looking bird aren't they?

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Birdgirl2009's picture

Terrific photo of a beautiful bird. I think they look as if they are wearing blue goggles with a white strap. We have them near here - I think they breed in the local school grounds. They sometimes try to visit my swamp banksia but the noisy miners always send them away.
Nice area New England - I lived in Armidale a long time ago

Owen1's picture

Superb shot. extremely sharp and well lit.

Cheers, Owen.


Very nice shot of a Blue faced honey eater mate....well done.

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