Some of our regular visitors - Sulphur Crested Cockatoos

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gilston's picture
Some of our regular visitors - Sulphur Crested Cockatoos

We have had a pair of Sulphurs visit us now for over 7 year - We have aptly named them Mr and Mrs Cocky - they are part of a colony that lives by the Nerang River which is 2 minutes flying time from our house. Each year they bring their babies with them. They are great fun to watch but boy can they make a noise when they want.

Mrs Cocky (left) & Mr Cocky

Mr and Mrs Cocky all fluffed up

Mrs Cocky

Baby Cocky

Mr Cocky

Mr Cocky (with corn) and baby

birdie's picture

They are beautiful shots and a nice study of an all time favourite Aussie bird Gilston . Love the corn cob shots.... no wonder they fly via your place!!! They know a good restaurant when they see one :)
I absolutely love the fluffed up shots ....very high on the cute factor !

Sunshine Coast Queensland

gilston's picture

Thanks Birdie. We have a number of aviaries and when my wife cleans them out, the 'old' seed and corn gets recycled for the wild birds - this is how we found out the cockies like corn. It is so cute to sometimes watch eat it especially when they share it with their young.

Kimbolina's picture

Gorgeous birds and beautiful photos.

Birdgirl2009's picture

I think they are beautiful and we get the odd one in our gum trees

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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