Possibly our favourite visitor is the long bill corella.
A number of years ago my wife was involved in wildlife rescue and rehab (and release where possible). During that period we came across two eastern long bill corellas. Arguably they are one of the most intelligent birds out there.
Here are some photos of a wild eastern long bill that comes to visit us from time to time as do a number of other long bills, both eastern and western. These photos were all taken in our front yard.
This is one of my all-time favourite photos that I have taken.
Hi gilston. superb shots you've got there. They are such nice birds and yes, very smart.
when i see them they are usually digging in someone's lawn for food.
Cheers, Owen.
Hi Owen. Yes, these birds are real smart and have great memories too. Just love taking pics of them and thanks for the complement.
I get huge mobs of them here in the paddocks digging to get to the corm of the onionweed .They do a great job and open up the claypan as well while digging .I'm attempting to return my pastures to native grasslands so they are a great environmental help .Some farmers though still hate them though .Beautiful birds and beautiful photos
Nature's natural soil aerators you could say. If only I could tone down the noise, otherwise a perfect bird IMHO....
Gilston love your shots they are so clear and what a beautiful bird. You're very lucky to have such visitors.
Fabulous shots of a real character Gilston..... thanks for showing us, I love corellas even if they are noisy.
Sunshine Coast Queensland
I love the last shot best, it looks like a creature from outer space!(you could scare little children with it?LOL)
They are so beautiful with their red and blue. We get both long-billed and little every day and a big noisy flock that often flies overhead with 100+ in it