In the five and bit years we have had our horse at this particular property in Londonderry, I have never seen these species yet. I often see Eastern Yellow or have last year seen Red-capped Robins. This is my first record for the area. The female is much shier than her male buddy. :(
This is the female.
This is the male.
Well done, Akos. Gorgeous birds captured very well.
Melbourne, VIC
great shots as always windhover,i have not seen a scarlet robin for years, but resently im hearing of a lot more sightings i hope this means there numbers are on the increase stunning little bird
Beautiful little birds, what can I say? Great shots Akos !! I saw the male Scarlet Robin landing on my fence last week. Haven't seen it since.I had a pair for years, they turn up about this time . I worry year after year, that they might not come back, but they do!! Sparrow,don't give up hope yet! Does anyone know how long they live for, as it seems to be the same pair every year,( for the last 4 years), or could this be the next generation?
Such lovely clear photos, Windhover.
I saw my first Rose Robin (female) a few weeks ago and managed to take a delightfully bad photo :-)
ripper shots akos. I saw them recently but they can be hard to spot when they are perched in a tree.
Cheers, Owen.
Spectacular shots there Akos!!!
I love photography.
Beautiful capture as usual Akos..... lovely to see , only wish I had taken it!
Sunshine Coast Queensland
They are stunning and you have a beautiful shot of male and female. I'll have to look hard in my area to see if I can find a robin - I am seeing a lot of new birds lately
beautiful birls and well captured. Well done Akos.
I was born to live and I live to die.