Ravens chasing juv. white-bellied sea eagle

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Birdgirl2009's picture
Ravens chasing juv. white-bellied sea eagle

Araminta, I have an answer to your question. This juvenile had something in its talons and the raven was trying to grab it. I can't tell what it is - it looks like big, fat fingers!

Just dropped it. I don't know if the raven went after it

Araminta's picture

Oh boy, Birdgirl, I have never seen photos like these!!! They are extraordinarily stunning!! The facial expressions on the eagle's face are just devine. If there was an award for the photo of the year, this would certainly deserve it!!! Thanks for showing them to me!!


aa's picture

awesome series birdgirl! and sharp shots :)

Birdgirl2009's picture

Thank you very much. It is the birds that are awesome. Seeing them pass over my head is amazing. THey are so beautiful.
Araminta - have a look at the courtship thread - the roll will blow your mind!

Owen1's picture

Great shots birdgirl and so lucky to see eagles all the time.

Cheers, Owen.


I love all of them !! 1 and 9 are my favourites...top stuff Birdgirl.

birdie's picture

OMG Birdgirl how did I miss this post!!
what an amazing series...you are right about the prey...looks like a pair of fingers with painted nails LOL !!!
I wonder what it was? Maybe it was a raven chick??? they look seriously pi$%^d off!!!!

Fantastic shots .... looks like that lens is seriously addictive :')

Sunshine Coast Queensland

abeleski's picture

Well done birdgirl. You captured the action very well.Very Nice photos.

I was born to live and I live to die.

wolfy's picture

With the amount of seemingly effortless BoP captures your getting, Im almost inclined to take a drive up to this location of yours. Keep up the good work.

Ahh to have some more holidays...


I love photography.

Birdgirl2009's picture

Thanks everyone - I was in my element
wolfy - not effortless that's for sure - what I've learned most lately is that it is taking the time to wait that gives us the opportunities
I thought I might have to set up a hostel so all the BOP admirers could visit

rjwaring's picture

More beautiful shots birdgirl, keep posting them all. It is wonderful of you to share these moments with all on the forum

I've succumbed to the birding bug!
Alice Springs, NT

Windhover's picture

Well done Kim. Ravens will often harass BoPs. I have photos of them doing it to a Whistling Kite somewhere in my files.

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