Hey guys
I am finishing up a brochure for Sunshine Coast council (more detailed than the A4 poster we are working on for them). I am after a few birds:
Australian Hobby
Superb Fruit-dove
Glossy Black-cockatoo
Striated Thornbill
Fairy Martin
These are only going to be small photos so they don't need to be huge file sizes but they will be cropped close around the bird.
If you can help please send me an email to
Hi Holly
I can find an Australian hobby. My best is on a power line - does that matter?
Birdie has a very good osprey
Fantastic birdgirl that would be great - thank you!
My Osprey is your Holly ...you know that :')
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Hi holly. I have an australian hobby and a striated thornbill shot which I will send both to you.
Cheers, Owen.
I've sent you a few Glossy Black-cockatoo photos.
Thanks everyone I have been overwhelmed with shots to choose from. I am a very lucky girl :)
I *may* need a brown quail and a pheasant cuckoo - will let you know :)
Surely you mean Pheasant Coucal right? I have neither of those two. :(
Oops yes my mistake. Brain is working on half a dozen different things today!
I have a pheasant coucal Holly
Sunshine Coast Queensland